
About Me


I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania with plenty of farms and forest. During high school, I played soccer and baseball, and in my senior year, I was a captain for both sports. My high school soccer team made it to the State Champion game 2012 and won, which made us the first public school in our district to win a state title. The following year we were able to make it back to the State Champion game but ended up losing 4-2. At the end of my senior baseball season, I received first-team All-Star, and I got to play in the Field of Dream All-Star Game at the New York Yankees AAA Stadium. Also, I have two dogs, one is pure breed German Shepard and the other is mix between Black Lab & a Collie. Lastly, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family.

My Process

The first step in my process includes extensive research on the subject or company to get inspiration for design ideas. Another early stage in my process is creating mind maps to spark ideas. Next, I begin by doing numerous sketches and thumbnails to process out some of the better drawings. Once I have a design that is working, I start developing marker comps to add more form and structure to the idea. After I am confident with one of the comps, then I move to the computer working with Adobe Programs. Now, that the design is on the computer, I will continue to revise the idea until I am fully satisfied, it solves the problem at hand.

My Interest

Photography / Art / Drawing / Archery / Hiking / Music / Sports / Exercise / Traveling



Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed or intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve.


Loyal, constant, and steadfast or true to the facts or the original.


Absorbed in or involving thought or showing consideration for the needs of other people or showing careful consideration or attention.


Characterized by refined taste and manners and good education.


Providing a reflection; capable of reflecting light or other radiation or relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful.


Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.